Installation 15
Output voltage Input voltage range DIP switch 2 DIP switch 1
100 V*
90–106 V Down Up
110 V 99–116 V Up Down
120 V* (NA) 108–127 V Down Down
120 V 108-127 V Up Up
T1000/1500 INTL 220 V 198–233 V Down Up
230 V* (INTL) 207–243 V Up Down
230 V 207-243 V Down Down
240 V 216–254 V Up Up
Connecting the host computer
CAUTION: Use only the computer interface cable supplied with the UPS to connect the communications
port to the host computer.
CAUTION: Using a USB to serial converter cable will damage the UPS.
Connect the UPS to a host computer using either the USB cable or the DB9 serial cable included with the
) to download the latest version of HP Power Manager.
NOTE: To install and configure the software, see the software user guide. The software user guide is
available for download from the HP website (http://www.hp.com/go/rackandpower
Connecting the serial communications port
CAUTION: Using a USB to serial converter cable will damage the UPS.
UPS. Install HP Power Manager software 4.1 or later on the host computer. See the HP website