128 SSL1016 Tape Autoloader Reference Guide
Backup server isn't
capable of sending
data to the drive fast
For the SDLT and Ultrium
drives, the backup server
needs to have lots of memory,
processing power, a
dedicated SCSI bus and a fast
file system.
Network issues. Most networks aren't capable
of sending data fast enough
to the SDLT and Ultrium
drives. Therefore multiple
network streams of data must
be used for backups
(concurrency.) Also look for
high network traffic, which
can affect backup/restore
SCSI issues. Check termination, and cable
length. Use LVDS SCSI and
don't connect any
Single-Ended devices or
terminators on the same bus
as the autoloader. Ultra 160
is recommended for Ultrium 2
Backup software isn't
configured optimally.
Make sure that the backup
software is configured for the
best performance. (Block size
at 64 and turn software
compression off).
Data set is impairing
The following can lower
performance: lots of small
(<64k) files, fragmentation,
and uncompressible data.
Real Time Clock keeps
getting reset/cleared.
The DLT1 and SDLT
autoloader versions
cannot maintain the
clock when power is off.
Since the DLT1 and SDLT
versions can not maintain
power to the clock when
power is off or the autoloader
is reset, it is recommended to
configure these autoloaders to
connect to a time server
instead of manually setting
the clock.
Table 13: Suggested Actions for Operational Problems
Problem Probable Cause Suggested Action