
EK–HAHPU–MH. B01 1–1
Pre-Installation Steps
This chapter addresses the preparation needed before installing and configuring the
RA7000 / ESA10000 cluster hardware components.
The pre-installation steps required to support a cluster are as follows:
Verify Cluster Requirements
Inventory the SCSI Connection Kit
Perform a System Backup
Plan the Cluster Layout (e.g., the SCSI Bus Interconnect)
Prepare the SCSI Host Adapters
1.1 Verify (RAID RA7000/ESA10000 for HP-UX) Cluster Requirements
Please verify that the cluster requirements listed in Table 1-1 are met.
Table 1–1 RAID RA7000 / ESA10000 for HP-UX – Cluster Prerequisites
Host Feature Requirement
Platform Two (minimum) HP host servers
Operating System HP-UX version 10.20 or later
Cluster Software HP MC/ServiceGuard version 10.10 or later
Free Disk Space 500KB per server for MC/ServiceGuard software
Storage Subsystem Stora
eWorks RA7000 or ESA10000 RAID
RAID Controllers Two Stora
eWorks HSZ70 controllers per RAID
subsystem, trilinked, operating firmware V7.0
SCSI Host Adapters HP, HD68-pin (one adapter per host server).
Supported models: A28696A, A2969A, A4107A.
Additional Items Requirement
RAID SCSI Connection Kit (Reference Table 1-2 for contents)
RAID Hardware RAID subsystem kit DS-SWXRA-
Service Tools Appropriate tools to service your equipment
Technical Documentation The reference
uides for the RAID subsystem, HP
servers and MC/ServiceGuard cluster software
supplement this installation guide.