use , then press . This option is available only if you have tagged at
least one image (see Tagging images on page 26).
All Images...—Displays the Print All Images sub-menu. Press
. This option
is available only if you have more than one image in the camera.
3. If you selected This Image or All Images... and
want to print more than one copy, highlight Change
Number of Copies, then press
. In the Print
sub-menu for changing the number of copies,
to specify the number of copies to print,
then press
4. From the main Print menu, you can mark
additional images for printing, using
to display
an image, then repeating Steps 2 and 3.
5. When you are done marking images for printing, press
repeatedly until you return
6. To print the marked images directly to a printer, see Printing directly to a printer
on page 33. To print them from a computer connected to a printer, see Transferring
images with HP Photosmart Software on page 32.
Buying prints online
For professional photo finishing at Wal*Mart, follow these steps.
While in the Photosmart Express Menu, use
to highlight Buy Prints
Online, then press
In the Buy Prints Online sub-menu, highlight an option, then press
– This Image—Marks the image currently displayed. You can scroll to a different
image using
– All Tagged...—Displays the Buy Prints of All Tagged sub-menu. Highlight a
tag, then press
for each tag you want. When you are done selecting tags,
. This option is available only if you have tagged at least one image
(see Tagging images on page 26).
All Images...—Displays the Buy Prints of All Images sub-menu. Press
then press
. This option is available only if you have more than one image in
the camera.
3. To mark additional images, use
to display an image, then repeat Step 2.
4. When you are done marking images for which you want to buy prints, press
repeatedly until you return to Playback.
5. To buy prints of the images you selected, see Transferring images with
HP Photosmart Software on page 32.
If you encounter problems, e-mail help@walmart.com or go to the
website: https://www.walmart.com/photo.
Sharing images
You can customize the Share sub-menu to include e-mail addresses, group distribution
lists, online albums, or other online services. You can then select images to send to these
HP Photosmart R837 Digital Camera 37