If you do not already have a SCSI terminator, you must order either terminator K2291
(bale-lock style) or terminator C2904A (thumbscrew style).
NOTICE: Use care when inserting and removing feed-through terminators to
avoid damaging the end walls of the terminator and the drive.
Powering Off the Workstation and Any Peripherals
To power off the workstation and any peripherals, perform the following steps:
1. Power off the workstation, using the power switch on the front of the workstation.
CAUTION: Do not power off your workstation without first shutting down
HP-UX. Powering off with HP-UX still running could damage the
data on the disks associated with your workstation.
If you are already at the boot-administration level (the level used to check the SCSI-2
IDs), you do not need to shut down before powering off.
If you accidentally rebooted HP-UX while determining the address settings, see
“Preparing the System,” earlier in this chapter, for instructions on shutting down HP-UX.
2. Disconnect the power cord from the rear of the workstation and the wall outlet.
3. Power off any external peripherals attached to your workstation, and unplug their
power cables from the wall outlet.