
About this g uide
This guide p rovides information about setting up and conguring the Brocade 4Gb SAN
Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem. Throughout this guide the short product name is
used, 4Gb SAN Sw itch.
Intended audience
This guide is intended for system administrators and technic i ans with knowledge of:
Conguration a
spects of customer Storage Area Network (SAN) fabric
Customer host environment, such as Microsoft® Windows® or Linux®
Command Line Interface (CLI) commands
Ad v anced Web T
ools G raphical User Interface (GUI) for conguring the switches
through a supported web browser
SAN Switch related documentation
SAN Switch-related documents and other SAN infrastructure documentation,
including white papers and best practices documents, are available at:
ttp://www.hp.com/supp o rt/manuals
Scroll to the storage section of the web page and select Storage Networking for HP
StorageWorks products.
For late breaking, supplemental information, access the latest version of the
StorageWorks Fabric OS release notes
for the 4Gb SAN switch.
HP c-Class BladeSystem related documentation
HP c-Class BladeSystem enclosure user documentation, including white papers and
best practices documents, are available at:
Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem