Chapter 15 : Troubleshooting 175
Creating your HP webOS Account: Unable to complete? Try
To start setup over from the beginning, tap Start Over in the lower-left
corner of any screen.
If your device stops responding to taps, restart your device and begin
again by doing this:
1 Press and hold the power button until you see two buttons—Turn Off
and Cancel.
2Tap Turn Off. Wait for the device to shut down completely.
3 Press and hold the power button and begin setup again.
If you are unable to create an account, check the status of the webOS
server: Go to hpwebos.com/support. Select your device and click
Support Services. Select one of the support options. There may be a
temporary outage affecting your area.
Having trouble logging in to your HP webOS Account?
Remember, to log in to your HP webOS Account, you must enter the same
email address and password you used to create the account.
If you verified your account when you created it, do this:
1Go to hpwebos.com/account, select your device, and then click
Manage HP webOS Account.
2Click Forgot password?
3 Enter the email address you used to create your HP webOS Account
and click Next.
4 Enter the answer to your security question and click Next.
5Enter your new password twice.
6(Optional) Click Change Security Question, select a security
question, and enter your answer.
7Click Reset Password.
If you never verified your account or didn’t create a security question, the
process is a little different. Do this:
1Go to hpwebos.com/account, select your device, and then click
Manage HP webOS Account.
2Click Forgot password?
3 Enter the email address you used to create your HP webOS Account
and click Next.
4 Type the text you see in the white box and click Send Email.
5 Open your email program on your computer, and open the email
with the subject How to reset your security information.
6 Click the link in the email.
7Enter your new password twice.
8(Optional) Click Change Security Question, select a security
question, and enter your answer.
9Click Reset Password.
If that doesn’t work, or if you can’t remember your security question and
answer, get help on gaining access to your account: Go to
hpwebos.com/support. Select your device and click Support Services.
Select one of the support options.
TIP After you create your HP webOS Account, you get an email at the address
you used to create the account. Click the link in the email message to verify your