Order Number: EK–STWCT–UG. E01 B–1
Product Notes for Novell,
and Windows NT
This appendix provides information for the system administrator. It should be read before installing and using the
SWXTE tape drive SBB with a host system operating under the Novell, MS-DOS, MS-DOS/Windows or
Windows NT operating systems.
The StorageWorks 8505 8mm Cartridge Tape Drive is available as three packaging options:
SWXTE–AA, SWXTE–AB, and SWXTE–AC. These options are referred to collectively in this
appendix by the name SWXTE. (Section 1.2 of this guide summarizes these packaging options
and defines SBB.)
The SWXTE tape drive SBB utilizes the standard SCSI-2 command set to interface to the PC-
based host system. Thus, the host system must be equipped with a SCSI adapter to properly
interface the tape drive with the host. For example, the host SCSI adapter might interface the
computer’s EISA bus to the SCSI-2 port of the SBB.
A host PC SCSI adapter is normally supplied with a compatible software driver for use with its
operating system. When operating under the Novell and MS-DOS or MS-DOS/Windows
operating systems, the software driver must be pre-loaded according to the SCSI adapter
manufacturer’s installation procedure to ensure a proper interface between the tape drive SBB
and the host. In addition, a user-level tape read/write software program may be required to
implement tape support under the Novell, MS-DOS, MS-DOS/Windows, or Windows NT
environments. There are many commercial software products available that provide host or
network-based data backup and restore, archiving, data logging, etc. functionality for these
operating systems.
Before purchasing a user-level software product, ensure that the tape drive SBB is supported by
that product (see note below). Commercial software vendors usually publish a supported
hardware list, or have telephone technical support personnel that will answer questions regarding
compatibility of a particular tape drive or other storage devices. When choosing a software
product suitable for your application, follow the software vendor’s installation procedure to
implement support for your tape drive SBB.
This product is supported under Windows NT, versions 3.1 and 3.5, by adding the "Exabyte
8500 series (SCSI-2)" tape device option. Follow the Windows NT "Add/Remove Tape Devices"
procedure to add this support.
Finally, if your host is operating under Novell Netware, Novell, Inc. provides a software product
called “Server Backup” with some of its operating system products. This program has been found
to work well with the SWXTE tape drive SBB.
The SWXTE–AA, SWXTE–AB, and SWXTE–AC tape drive packaging
options are functionally equivalent to the EXABYTE model 8505 10 GB
8mm tape drive. Commercial software products that support the 8505
will usually work with the SWXTE.