SYSTem:CDEScription?, 54, 60
SYSTem:CPON, 55, 60
SYSTem:CTYPe?, 54, 60
SYSTem:ERRor?, 54, 60
TRIGger:SOURce, 25, 31, 57, 60
TRIGger:SOURce?, 58, 60
TRIGger[:IMMediate], 56, 60
types, 37
Comment sheet, reader, 9
Common (*) Commands, 37
*CLS, 36, 59
*ESE, 59
*ESE?, 59
*ESR?, 37, 59
*IDN?, 59
*OPC, 59
*OPC?, 59
*RCL, 59
*RST, 37, 39, 59 - 60
*SAV, 59
*SRE, 36, 59
*SRE?, 59
*STB?, 36 - 37, 59
*TRG, 59
*TST?, 59
*WAI, 59
list of, 59
Quick Reference, 60
Common Command Format, 37
Common, channel, 11
changing, 23
Configurations, 20
matrix-type, 22
standard, 20
tree, 21
Conformity, declaration of, 7
Connecting field wiring, 19
Connecting User Inputs, 18
Connectors, locations of, 19
CONTinuous, (INITiate:CONTinuous), 45
CONTinuous?, (INITiate:CONTinuous?), 46
COUNt, (ARM:COUNt), 30, 41
COUNt?, (ARM:COUNt?), 42
CTYPe?, (SYSTem:CTYPe?), 54
DC Performance, 61
Declaration of conformity, 7
DISPlay, 43
DISPlay subsystem, 43 - 44
DISPlay:MONitor:CARD, 44, 60
DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe], 60
Documentation history, 6
DUT, 29, 31
defined, 22
Error Message
Channel list required, 69
Command not supported on this card, 69
External trigger source already allocated, 69
Function not supported on this card, 69
Illegal parameter value, 69
Init ignored, 69
Invalid card number, 69
Invalid channel number, 69
Invalid channel range, 69
Scan list not initialized, 69
Too many channels in channel list, 69
Trigger ignored, 69
Error Messages, 69
Error numbers, 69
ERRor?, (SYSTem:ERRor?), 54
matrix-type switching, 28
scan complete interrupt, 36
scanning using Event In Port, 35
scanning using Trig Out Port, 29, 35
scanning with external device, 34
standard switching , 26
tree switching, 27
FRES, 32, 48, 52, 60
Fuses, location of, 23
Guidelines, wiring, 19
primary address, 36
secondary address, 36
select code, 36
Service Request (SRQ), 36
72 HP E1366A/67A RF Multiplexers User’s Manual Index