
158 Command Line Interface
Initiates an edit session in which to change the security settings. The system displays each
parameter one line at a time and prompts you for a value. For each parameter, enter a new
value or press Enter to accept the current value shown in brackets. Press q or Q to end the editing
session. Table 45 describes the Set Config Security parameters.
IMPORTANT: This operand is available only with the SANtegrity Enhanced PFE key.
Table 45 Security configuration parameters
Parameter Description
FabricBindingEnabled Enables (True) or disables (False) the configuration and enforcement
of fabric binding on all switches the fabric. Fabric binding associates
switch World Wide Names with a domain ID in the creation of ISL
AutoSave Enables (True) or disables (False) the saving of changes to active
security set in the switch permanent memory. The default is True.