HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 85
Network Time Protocol submenu
Option number Submenu Description
1 Primary NTP Server Enables you to enter or change the IP address
of the primary NTP server
2 Secondary NTP Server Enables you to enter or change the IP address
of the secondary NTP server
3 GMT Offset (time zone) Enables you to select the time zone from the
table provided
4 Update Frequency (1–8760
Enables you to enter the number of hours that
should pass between each date and time
5 NTP Client Enables you to enable or disable the NTP
6 Accept Changes Enables you to save all changes
0 Previous Menu Returns to the previous menu
Manual Date/Time submenu
Option number Submenu Description
1 Change Date Enables you to enter or change the date
2 Change Time Enables you to enter or change the time
0 Previous Menu Returns to the previous menu
Daylight Saving Changes submenu
Option number Submenu Description
1 Enable/Disable Daylight
Saving Time
Enables you to enable or disable daylight
saving time
2 Change Time Offset Enables you to configure the amount of time
the clock should change for daylight saving
time in your region
3 Change Daylight Saving Time
Enables you to configure the day and time that
daylight saving should start
4 Change Daylight Saving Time
Enables you to configure the day and time that
daylight saving should end
0 Previous Menu Returns to the previous menu
User Accounts submenu
Option number Submenu Description
1 Change User Name Enables you to change a user login name
2 Change Password Enables you to change a user login password