Using the Switch Console Interface
The Command Prompt
Using the Switch Console
Ping ping <ip-addr> [count] [wait]; Sends IP ’Echo Request’ packets to the
device identified by <ip-addr>. count sets the number of packets,
wait sets the time to wait for a response in seconds.
Print print <cmd>; Sends the output from the command <cmd> to a
printer or file.
Redo redo [? | <number> | <string>]; Displays command history or executes
a command from the history:
redo -- re-executes the most recent command.
redo ? -- displays the command history.
redo <number> -- re-executes a previous command indexed by
redo <string> -- re-executes a previous command that begins with
the text <string>.
GetMIB getmib <obj-id>; Shows the value of the managed object <obj-id>.
SetMIB setmib <obj-id> <type> <value>; Sets the value of the managed object
<obj-id> of the type <type> with the value <value>.
Xget xget CONFIG; Retrieves the configuration file using XModem.
Xput xput <file> [PC | UNIX]; Sends the item identified by <file> using
XModem. <file> is CONFIG, CRASHREC, LOGFILE, or any command.
PC formats the file with carriage returns and line feeds; UNIX
formats the file with line feeds only.
romversion Displays the switch ROM version.
Version Displays the switch OS version.
Vlan vlan <vlan-name>; Changes the VLAN in which the commands are
WalkMIB walkmib <obj-id>; Displays a group of managed object values.
Command Description