Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
To construct a route map that matches based on the next-hop router, enter commands such as the following:
HP9300(config)# route-map HopMap permit 1
HP9300(config-routemap HopMap)# match ip next-hop 2
Syntax: match ip next-hop <num>
Syntax: match ip next-hop prefix-list <name>
The <num> parameter with the first command specifies an IP ACL and can be a number from 1 – 199 or the ACL
name if it is a named ACL. To configure an IP ACL, use the ip access-list or access-list command. See “Using
Access Control Lists (ACLs)” on page 3-1.
The <name> parameter with the second command specifies an IP prefix list name. To configure an IP prefix list,
see “Defining IP Prefix Lists” on page 10-55.
Use the procedure in “Matching Based on AS-Path ACL” on page 10-63, but select IP Next Hop Access (Name
and/or Number) List instead of AS Path Access List.
Setting Parameters in the Routes
Use the following command to define a set statement that prepends an AS number to the AS path on each route
that matches the corresponding match statement.
HP9300(config-bgp-routemap GET_ONE)# set as-path prepend 65535
Syntax: set as-path [prepend <as-num,as-num,...>] | [automatic-tag] |
[community <num>:<num> | <num> | internet | local-as | no-advertise | no-export] |
[dampening [<half-life> <reuse> <suppress> <max-suppress-time>]]
[[default] interface null0] | [ip [default] next hop <ip-addr>]
[local-preference <num>] | [metric [+ | - ]<num> | none] | [next-hop <ip-addr>] | [origin igp | incomplete] |
[tag <tag-value>] | [weight <num>]
The as-path prepend <num,num,...> parameter adds the specified AS numbers to the front of the AS-path list for
the route.
The automatic-tag parameter calculates and sets an automatic tag value for the route.
NOTE: This parameter applies only to routes redistributed into OSPF.
The community parameter sets the community attribute for the route to the number or well-known type you
The dampening [<half-life> <reuse> <suppress> <max-suppress-time>] parameter sets route dampening
parameters for the route. The <half-life> parameter specifies the number of minutes after which the route’s
penalty becomes half its value. The <reuse> parameter specifies how low a route’s penalty must become before
the route becomes eligible for use again after being suppressed. The <suppress> parameter specifies how high a
route’s penalty can become before the routing switch suppresses the route. The <max-suppress-time> parameter
specifies the maximum number of minutes that a route can be suppressed regardless of how unstable it is. For
information and examples, see
“Configuring Route Flap Dampening” on page 10-69.
The [default] interface null0 parameter redirects the traffic to the null0 interface, which is the same as dropping
the traffic. If you specify default, the route map redirects the traffic to the specified interface (the null interface in
this case) only if the routing switch does not already have explicit routing information for the traffic. This option is
used in Policy-Based Routing (PBR). See
“Policy-Based Routing (PBR)” on page 3-24.
The ip [default] next hop <ip-addr> parameter sets the next-hop IP address for traffic that matches a match
statement in the route map. If you specify default, the route map sets the next-hop gateway only if the routing
switch does not already have explicit routing information for the traffic. This option is used in Policy-Based
Routing (PBR). See “Policy-Based Routing (PBR)” on page 3-24.
The local-preference <num> parameter sets the local preference for the route. You can set the preference to a
value from 0 – 4294967295.
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