This power supply, Figure 1-1, is completely
transistorized and suitable for either bench or re-
lay rack operations, The dual supply consists of
two independently controlled dual range sections;
both identical to the other. Each section can fur-
nish either a 0-40 Volt output at 300mA or a 0-20
Volt output at 600mA. Each section has its own
front panel meter and operating controls, The oper-
ating modes (40V or 20V) are selected by means of
the front panel RANGE switches, The VOLTAGE con-
trols permit each output voltage to be continuously
adjusted throughout either output range.
may be programmed from a remote location by
means of an external voltage source or resistance.
b. Remote Sensing. The degradation in
regulation which would occur at the load because
of the voltage drop which takes place in the load
leads can be reduced by using the power supply in
the remote sensing mode of operation.
c. Series and Auto-Series Operation, Power
supplies may be used in series when a higher out-
put voltage is required in the voltage mode of op-
eration or when greater voltage compliance is re-
quired in the constant current mode of operation,
Auto-Series operation permits one knob control of
the total output voltage from a “master” supply.
d. Parallel and Auto-Parallel Operation, The
power supply may be operated in parallel with a
similar unit when greater output current capability
is required.
Auto-Parallel operation permits one
knob control of the total output current from a
“master” supply.
e. Auto-Tracking.
The power supply may be
used as a “master” supply, having control over one
(or more) “slave”
supplies that furnish various volt-
ages for a system.
1-7 Detailed specifications for the power supply
are given in Table 1-1.
Figure 1-1. DC Power Supply, Model 6205B
1-3 Both sections of the supply are of the regu-
lated, Constant Voltage/Current Limiting, type.
Each section is fully protected from overloads by
the fixed current limit which is set by means of an
internal adjustment.
1-4 Both front and rear terminals are available
for each section. Either the positive or negative
terminals may be grounded or the supply can be
operated at up to a maximum of 300 Volts off ground.
Each meter can be used to measure either output
voltage or output current in one of two ranges. The
voltage or current ranges are selected by the ap-
plicable METER switch on the front panel.
1-5 Two sets of programming terminals, located
at the rear of the unit, allow ease in adapting to
the many operational capabilities of the supply. A
brief description of these capabilities is given
a, Remote Programming,
The power supply
TM 11-6625-2965-14&P
1-9 Options are factory modifications of a stand-
ard instrument that are requested by the customer.
The following options are available for the instru-
ment covered by this manual, Where necessary, de-
tailed coverage of the options is included through-
out the manual.
Option No.
Voltage 10-Turn Pot: A single control
that replaces both coarse and fine
voltage controls and improves output
A completely separate circuit for pro-
tecting delicate loads against power
supply failure or operator error. This
independent device monitors the out-
put voltage and within 10µsec imposes
a virtual short-circuit (crowbar) across
the power supply output if the preset