
packet A set of information transmitted across a network.
A mode in which an L_Port in a loop has a valid AL_PA and can arbitrate, send
frames, and retransmit received transmissions.
path selection The selection of a transmission path through the fabric. HP switches use the FSPF
protocol for transmission path selection.
phantom address An AL_PA value assigned to a device that is not physically in the loop. Also
known as phantom AL_PA. See a lso ???, ??? .
phantom device A device that is not physically in an arbitrated loop but is logically included
through the use of a phantom address. See also ???.
PLOGI Port login. The port-to-port login pr ocess by whic h initiators establish sessions
with targets. See also ???.
point-to-point An FC topology that employs d irect links between each pair of communicating
entities. See also ???.
port cage The metal casing extending out of the FC port on the switch and into which a
GBIC or SFP transceiver can be inserted.
Port_Name The unique identier assigned to an FC por t. It is communicated during login
and port discovery.
POST Power-on self-test. A series of d iagnostic tests run by a switch after it is powered
primary FCS
Primary Fabric Conguration Server switch. The switch that actively manages
the con guration and security parameters for all switches in the fabric.
private loop An arbitrated loop that does not include a participating FL_Port.
private NL_Port An NL_Port that communicates only with other private NL_Ports in the same
loop and does not log in to the fabric.
public device A device that supports arbitrated loop protocol, ca n interpret 8-bit addresses,
and can log in to the fabric. See also ???.
public loop An arbitrated loop that includes a participating FL_Port and may contain both
public and private NL_Ports. See also ???.
public NL_Port An NL_Port that logs in to the fabric, can function within a public or private
loop, and can communicate with private or p ublic NL_Ports. See also ???.
quad A group of four adjacent ports that share a common pool of frame buffers.
R_A_TOV Resource allocation time-out value. The maximum time a frame can be delayed
in the fabric and still be delivere d.
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks. A collection of disk drives that appear
fault tolerant through mirroring or
parity checking.
request rate The rate at which requests arrive at a servicing entity.
route With respect to a fabric, the communication path between two switches. May
also apply to the specic path taken by an individual frame from source to
routing The assignment of frames to spec ic switch ports according to frame destination.
RR_TOV Resource recovery time-out value. The minimum time a target device in a loop
waits after a LIP before logging out a SCSI initiator.
Brocade 8Gb SAN Switch for HP BladeSystem c-Class