R2-D2 has three major function modes:
1.) COMPANION MODE (Pages 7–8)
2.) GAME MODE (Page 9)
3.) COMMAND MODE (Pages 10 – 11)
Within each of these modes, there are many functions to explore. This manual will take you through
almost all of R2-D2’s actions and responses, but you’ll discover more as you become more familiar
with this droid; for as long as you own him, your droid will continue to surprise you with what he
has to say!
Remember to save this manual for as long as you have your R2 unit! The separate "Command Card"
is also invaluable as a reminder of the many commands and phrases that help you interact with
R2-D2. This card can be kept in R2’s storage compartment.
In this beginning mode, R2-D2 is his usual friendly and playful self. He loves your companionship,
and loves to respond to certain commands you give him.
Stand or sit directly in front of R2 (ideally from about 2 feet, and no more than 6 feet, away), and
speak clearly toward the speech sensor on the front of his body. (R2 will indicate that he is
listening to you by blinking his red and blue LEDs together.)
Say: "Hey, R2!"
R2-D2 will turn his head towards you and whistle to indicate he is ready for the next
Remember: Always say "Hey, R2!" before giving him a command!
Then, in no particular order, you can communicate with R2 by saying any of the following
Say: "Don’t move!"
And he’ll remain stationary until you give him another command. (Otherwise, he may start
roaming on his own!)
Say: "Go on patrol!"
And he’ll patrol the room for trouble. R2 will beep if he finds someone and wait for a
command! If he beeps and no further commands are issued, he’ll keep on patrolling. (Again,
be sure to keep him away from stairs during this function!)
Say: "Light beam!"
To turn his front beam on! Say it again to turn it off.
Say: "Play Message!"
And he’ll play a message that is stored in his memory banks from a past mission!
Say: "Be quiet!"
And he’ll execute his commands without beeping or whistling (except for his "yes" or "no"
sounds to indicate that he has understood your commands)!
Say: "Speak up!"
And he’ll start talking again!