Installation precautions
Disconnect the negative
terminal before beginning your installa-
tion, and do not reconnect it until all
connections have been made and you are
completely finished with your installa-
As the very last step before reconnecting
the battery, connect the positive power
lead (sometimes referred to as
the amplifier to the battery terminal.
To prevent serious short-
circuits that can do major damage
(including potential for fire), you must
install a fuse within 18" of the positive
battery terminal on the positive
power lead to the amplifier. (See the
"Connections" section for information
about fuse size).
Make sure that the inlets and outlets for
the amplifier's cooling fan are unob-
structed. You must install the amplifier
in such a way as to allow free air flow
through the cooling tunnel to ensure that
the amplifier will be able to dissipate its
Pay particular attention to the power
ratings of the speakers you choose. Many
speakers are not capable of handling the
high power produced by the TC Series
amplifiers. Match your speakers to the
power ratings of the amplifier(s) you will
be using, and never operate your speakers
at higher levels than specified.