
Speaker Connections
Speaker-Level Connection Guide
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before making speaker
connections, be certain that your receiver or
audio power amplifier is turned off and pre -
ferably unplugged from its AC power source. The
subwoofer should not be connected to an AC
power source until all speaker wire connections
have been made.
Speakers and electronics terminals have
corresponding (+) and (–) terminals. Most
manufacturers of speakers and electronics,
including Harman Kardon, use red to denote the
(+) terminal and black for the (–) terminal.
Newer Harman Kardon receivers conform to the
CEA standard and therefore use a color other
than red or black for the (+) terminal to indicate
some speaker positions: e.g., surround left.
Although the HKTS 2 system has red and black
collars on the individual speaker terminals to
denote the positive and negative connections,
your system includes a colored band on the
positive lead at both ends of every speaker cable
and a matching colored sticker for each of the
two satellite speakers, conforming to the key on
page 6. The subwoofer has a purple SUB input
jack. This system is intended to help you ensure
that the speaker in each location is connected to
the correct terminals on your receiver or
The (+) lead of the speaker wire is indicated
with a stripe and has the colored band
corresponding to the speaker’s position. It is
important to connect all speakers identically: (+)
on the speaker to (+) on the amplifier and (–) on
the speaker to (–) on the amplifier. Wiring “out
of phase” results in thin sound, weak bass and a
poor stereo image.
To connect the supplied speaker wires to the
satellite terminals located on the bottom of each
speaker, press the red or black tab, insert the
bare end of the wire into the hole, and release
the tab. Gently tug on the wire to make sure
that it is fully inserted.
For the best performance, Harman Kardon
recommends that the subwoofer be connected
using either the Line-Level Subwoofer (SUB)
or the Line-Level Full-Range
. However, if the application requires
the use of the speaker-level connections for the
subwoofer, unscrew the binding-post collar until
the pass-through hole in the center post is
visible under the collar. Insert the bare end of
the wire through this hole; then screw the collar
down until the connection is tight. The hole in
the center of each collar is intended for use with
banana-type connectors.
0127CSK - HK TS2_ENG.qxp:29515_HKTS2_English 18/03/09 16:07 Side 8