SB 30
Stereo: The Stereo mode reproduces the input signal in conventional two-channel stereo,
utilizing the soundbar’s left and right speakers. Digital equalization and digital crossover
filters help achieve accurate performance for listeners in a variety of seating positions,
not just those directly on the speaker’s center line.
Stereo Mode
Virtual: The Virtual mode utilizes sophisticated digital signal processing and an additional
four transducers to simulate the reflected sounds that would be created by the rear-
channel speakers in a room with a dedicated surround-sound system. The soundbar’s
digital signal processing is specifically designed to maximize the useful listening area
while reducing sonic colorations. This digital processing also enhances conventional stereo
and MP3 sources by creating rear ambience that adds depth to the sound presentation.
Virtual Mode
This mode achieves the best surround sound effect for listeners who are sitting along the
soundbar’s center line, from 3 ft – 10 ft (1m – 3m) away from the speaker.
HARMAN Wave: The HARMAN Wave mode utilizes all 13 of the soundbar’s transducers
to create both left and right surround sound fields, in addition to using the left and
right transducer groups to reproduce the front left and right stereo signals. Extremely
sophisticated digital signal processing uses wave field synthesis to separately control
direct and indirect sound fields, creating an impressive surround sound sensation in even
a large room and for many listeners seated over a large listening area.
HARMAN Wave Mode
The HARMAN Wave mode features a Room Size adjustment that allows you to tailor the
soundbar’s energy field to match the size of your listening room. Press the Room Size
button on the remote
Room Size
The soundbar’s Status LEDs glow green to indicate the active Room Size setting:
Small Room
Medium Room
Large Room
Feel free to experiment with this adjustment to find the effect that works best for your
particular listening room and seating arrangement.
As with the Virtual mode, in the HARMAN Wave mode the soundbar’s digital signal
processing also creates rear ambience that adds depth to the sound presentation for
conventional stereo and MP3 sources.
Dolby Volume
Your soundbar implements Dolby Volume processing, which can improve the audio
performance of the system by revealing subtle details in the sound, even at normal
home-listening volumes.
One concern of the typical home theater listener is that volumes can vary widely for
different programs played by a source (e.g., television commercial advertisements are
often much louder than the main program). Another is that details heard in the recording
studio at typically high reference volumes are lost at the lower volumes used by many
listeners at home.
The soundbar uses two Dolby Volume techniques to address these issues. The Leveler
module maintains a consistent listening volume within a source (e.g., commercial
television or different tracks on a mix CD). The Modeler module endeavors to re-create
the reference presentation that was heard in the recording studio without losing portions
of the program at the typically lower volume levels often used in the home. When the
Modeler module is active, you may notice details of the performance that were hidden
when the program was played on other equipment.
Press the Dolby Volume button on the remote to adjust the Dolby Volume setting.
Dolby Volume
The soundbar’s Status LEDs glow red to indicate the active Dolby Volume setting:
Dolby Volume Off
Dolby Volume High
Dolby Volume Low
Off: No Dolby Volume processing.
Low: Dolby Volume Modeler module is active.
High: Dolby Volume Modeler and Leveler modules are active.
Using Your Soundbar Speaker System