from Off to On. See below for more information
on using the Video Adjustments banner to optimize
your picture settings.
HDMI Settings: This setting displays the characteris-
tics of the video output signal at the
HDMI Output
2. When the DVD 37 is connected to a video dis-
lay using the
DMI Output
the display sends
information to the DVD 37 that indicates the highest
video resolution it is capable of handling, and the
DVD 37 automatically sets the video output to match
it. That resolution is displayed here. You may use
his setting to manually select a lower video output
resolution. Changes made here remain active until the
DVD 37 or the display is turned off. When either is
turned off, and then on again, the DVD 37 will revert
to the default setting transmitted by the display. Make
sure your video display or other video switching equip-
ment (such as an HDMI-capable receiver) is capable
of handling the DVD 37’s HDMI output signal.
Video Adjustments Banner
This banner menu allows you to adjust the brightness,
sharpness and black level of the video signal to com-
pensate for differences between your DVD player and
other video sources. You may use either the DVD 37’s
built-in color bar test signal or a test disc as the stan-
dard for the adjustments. To ensure that your system is
properly optimized, we strongly recommend that you
adjust your video display using the display’s own con-
trols before making any changes to the DVD 37’s
output. Once the display is properly calibrated with
all settings on the DVD 37 set to their midpoint,
use the controls on this menu to fine-tune the
DVD 37’s output.
Due to the nature of these settings, the navigation is
somewhat different from the DVD 37’s other menus
and controls
The banner is accessed from the Video
Setup submenu. Press the
Setup Button j to
display the Setup menu, and then press the
Navigation Buttons n until the Video Setup sub-
menu icon is highlighted. Press the
Enter Button
K to access the
Video Setup submenu, then scroll
down to the Video Adjustment line and press the
Enter Button K again. Select On to display the
Video Adjustments banner. The Setup screen will
disappear from view
Figure 9
To change any of the video adjustments shown, first
press the
Navigation Buttons n so that
he parameter’s setting bar is highlighted. Use the
Navigation Button n to increase the setting or the
‹ Navigation Button n to decrease the setting.
Changes to any of the settings may be made while a
test disc is playing, or you may use the internal test
signal by pressing the
⁄¤ Navigation Buttons
n until the word Off is highlighted next to the
Test Screen line. To activate the test signal,
ress the
nter Button
K a
nd note that a special
combination test signal, including both color bars and
gray scale along with 100% black and white fields, will
be displayed behind the video adjustments banner.
See the Test Screen section on page 25 for more
guidance in making picture adjustments.
To adjust the Brightness setting, use the
Navigation Buttons n until the area between the
“–“ and
“+” signs is highlighted, then use the
Navigation Buttons n to increase or decrease
the setting.
When adjusting the Black Level setting, only two
adjustments are available: either the complete bar will
appear, which provides a full “0 to 100” black level
setting, or “full”, which complies with standards for
video with what is called “setup”; or only a thin line
will appear, which represents a “7.5 to 100” black
level setting.
To remove the banner from the screen so that only the
test screen appears, simply wait a few seconds, and
the banner will disappear. Press any button on the
remote to restore the banner to view.
When you have finished making your video adjust-
ments, press the
⁄¤ Navigation Buttons n
until the word Done is highlighted,
and press the
Enter Button K.
The DVD 37 will return to the
Video Setup submenu.
In order to recall the video adjustments menu, you will
need to press the
Setup Button j and navigate
through the menu system as described above
When you have finished using the Setup menus, press
Setup Button j to clear the screen. If a DVD
is loaded, the splash screen will appear. If any other
type of disc is loaded,
the Player Infor
mation menu will
appear. You may now proceed to page 26 to learn the
basics of operating the DVD 37.
DVD 37 (120V) OM 8/7/06 4:10 PM Page 24