Table A6 – Advanced Setup Menu
Setting Purpose Your Settings
Backup Backs up hard-disc drive as a After your custom installer transfers your
precaution. music collection to the Media Library, he
or she should back it up as a precaution.
Restore In case the hard-disc drive is replaced, Keep your backup of the Media Library
restores the Media Library from updated.
the last version that was backed up.
Reset Factory Defaults System reset. Use only as a last resort. Requires
reconfiguring all system settings.
The Media Library’s contents are
not affected.
Network Displays network identification Ethernet:
parameters. IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Address:
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port Number:
Language Selected Sets system display language.
Default is English.
Format USB Reformats a USB device, Exercise extreme caution before using
erasing all content. this command.
Table A7 – Power Modes
Power Indicator Functionality Front-Panel Remote Control Remote Control
Mode Power Control Power On Power Off
Full-Off Mode Dim blue System powered down System boots and goes System boots and goes No action
to Full-Power Mode to Full-Power Mode
Sleep Mode Amber Standby; unit is ready Full-Power Mode Full-Power Mode No action
for quick turn-on
Server Mode Amber Remote-zone and Full-Power Mode Full-Power Mode Sleep Mode
network control
available; on-screen
menus off
Full-Power Bright blue Operates normally Single press › No action Single press ›
Server Mode Server Mode
Press and hold › Press and hold ›
Full-Off Mode Full-Off Mode
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