
Surround Mode Chart
DOLBY DIGITAL Dolby Digital Surround EX™ was developed jointly by Lucasfilm THX and Dolby Laboratories. see Dolby Digital;
Surround EX, Dolby Digital Surround EX describes the encoding system and is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Surround Back like
THX Surround EX Dolby Digital Surround EX encoding was developed to provide the sound mixer greater Surround
opportunities for the placement of sounds to the rear as well as the sides of the listener.
THX Surround EX processing is the decoding scheme to correctly decode a Dolby Digital Surround EX
encoded movie soundtrack for use in consumer applications. It decodes the previously encoded third
surround channel (“Surround Back”) from the traditional two surround channels (Surround Left and
Surround Right) which act as a carrier.This decoding is performed by a dematrixing circuit similar to
Dolby 3 Stereo. In addition, products with THX Surround EX will include appropriate THX post
processing and a defined Bass Management System. But with the AVR8500 the THX Surround EX
decoding is available also with many other surround formats, see "THX Processing" below.
THX Processing THX processing may be selected with an analog source to enhance the presentation of matrix surround- delay adjust the
encoded programs with either Dolby Pro Logic II or DTS Neo:6 as the basic surround processor by use of same as with
the THX processing (Re-EQ,Timbre Matching).When a digital source is in use,the proper THX 5.1 or surround modes
7.1 mode will be selected, depending on the speaker configuration in your system. For 5.1 systems that will be
THX Cinema is available for Dolby Digital sources and THX 5.1 for DTS sources. For 7.1 systems, THX processed
THX Surround EX is available with Dolby Digital (5.1 or 5.1EX) and with DTS (5.1) sources to create rear
surround channels using specially encoded information within a movie´s soundtrack.With DTS 6.1 Discrete
or Matrix recordings THX Surround is available too to enhance the presentation with help of the
THX processing (Re-EQ,Timbre Matching).
DOLBY DIGITAL Available only with digital input sources encoded with Dolby Digital data. It provides Fronts/Center: 0 m - 9 m
up to five separate main audio channels and a special dedicated Low Frequency Effects Initial Setting – 3.6 m
channel. Surround: 0 m - 9 m
Initial Setting – 3 m
Subwoofer: 0 m - 9 m
Initial Setting: 3.6 m
DTS 5.1 When the speaker configuration is set for 5.1-channel operation, the DTS 5.1 mode is see Dolby Digital
available when DVD, audio-only music or laserdiscs encoded with DTS data are played.
DTS 5.1 provides up to five separate main audio channels and a special dedicated
low-frequency channel.
DTS-ES 6.1 Matrix When the speaker configuration is set for 6.1/7.1 operation, playback of a DTS-encoded program see Dolby Digital;
DTS-ES 6.1 Discrete source will automatically trigger the selection of one of the two DTS-ES modes.Newer discs with Surround Back like
special DTS-ES discrete encoding will be decoded to provide six discrete, full-bandwidth channels Surround
plus a separate low-frequency channel.All other DTS discs will be decoded using the DTS-ES Matrix
mode, which creates a 6.1-channel sound field from the original 5.1-channel soundtrack.
DOLBYPRO LOGICII Dolby Pro Logic II is the latest version of Dolby Laboratory’s benchmark surround technology see Dolby Digital
MOVIE that decodes full-range, discrete left,center right, right surround and left surround channels
MUSIC from matrix surround encoded programs and conventional stereo sources when
EMULATION an analog input or a digital input with PCM or Dolby Digital 2.0 recordings is in use.The
Dolby Pro Logic II Movie mode is optimized for movie soundtracks that are recorded with matrix
surround, by creating separate center,rear left and rear right signals. while the Pro Logic II Music
mode should be used with musical selections that are recorded with matrix surround or even with
normal stereo mode, creating separate rear left and rear right signals
in any case.The Pro Logic II Emulation mode creates compelling five-channel surround sound from
conventional stereo recordings.