Set Up the Remote Control
Learning (AVR 3700/AVR 370 only)
If you have the device’s original remote control, you may “teach” its individual button
codes into the following “destination” buttons on the AVR 3700/AVR 370 remote:
Device Power On/Off buttons, Number buttons, Last button, Back/Exit button, Menu
button, Up/Down/Left/Right buttons, OK button, Disc Menu button, A/B/C/D buttons,
Channel Up/Down buttons, Volume Up/Down buttons, Mute button, Transport Control
= Destination Buttons
1. Place the two remotes with their IR transmitters facing each other, about 1 inch
(25mm) apart.
1 inch
2. Press the AVR remote’s Source Selector button for the source device, then press and
hold the Learn button until the Source Selector button glows red. The remote is now
in the Learning mode.
3. On the AVR remote, choose a destination button that will learn the source device
remote’s function. Press the destination button, and the Source Selector will flash
4. On the source device’s remote, press and hold the button with the function that you
want to teach to the AVR remote until the Source Selector button flashes three times.
The source device remote’s button has now taught the AVR remote’s destination button
to perform its function on that source.
5. You can program additional buttons for this source by repeating Steps 3 – 4. You can
program buttons for other sources by repeating Steps 1 – 4.
When you’re finished, press the Learn button once to exit the Learning mode, or wait for
the remote to exit the Learning mode on its own after about 30 seconds.