Operating Your AVR
If a video monitor is connected to the AVR and the system is not in iPod manual mode,
an iPod screen will appear and display the play mode icon, song title, artist and album. A
graphic bar indicates the current play position within the track. If random or repeat play
has been programmed, an icon will appear in the upper right corner.
Menu: Previous: Next:
Repeat Music:Off
Shuffle Music:Off
The screen may disappear from view, depending on the Setup and Slide-In Menus setting
in the System Settings menu (described in System Settings, on page 39). You can restore
the Now Playing screen to view by pressing either of the Left or Right buttons.
CAUTION: We strongly recommend that you use the screen saver built
into your video display to avoid possible damage from “burn-in” that may
occur with plasma and many CRT displays when a still image, such as a
menu screen, remains on the display for an extended period of time.
Press the Menu button to view the slide-out menu:
Music: Select this to navigate the audio materials stored on the iPod, iPad or iPhone. Use
the Page up/down buttons on the remote to scroll through the content a page at a time.
NOTE: You can only play audio content via the USB port.
Repeat Music: Select this setting to repeat a track or all tracks in the current album
or playlist. Each press of the OK button switches the setting: repeat Off, repeat One or
repeat All.
Shuffle Music: Select this setting to play all the available songs in random order. Each
press of the OK button switches the setting: shuffle by Song, shuffle by Album, or Off to
end shuffle playback.
NOTE: The iTunes application allows you to exempt some tracks from Shuffle mode. The
AVR cannot override this setting.
Listening to vTuner (Internet Radio)
Your AVR’s Network connection brings you a world of MP3- and WMA-format streams via
the Internet. After you have successfully connected to your home network as described in
Connect to Your Home Network, on page 20, and set up the network as described in Set
Up the Network, on page 27, press the Network Source Selector button on the remote.
Each press toggles between the Network and vTuner screens.
Laut fm Progman
Jugalbandi - Night Crazy
Menu: Previous: Next:
With the vTuner screen (above) displayed, the AVR will automatically connect to the
Internet via the www.radioharmankardon.com portal. To select a stream, press the Menu
button, and use the Up/Down buttons to search by category: Presets, My Favourites,
Added Stations, Location, Genre, Podcasts by Location, Podcasts by Genre, New Stations,
Most Popular Stations, Recently Played and Search. NOTE: The categories displayed may
vary by region.
To create a Favourites list, log onto www.radioharmankardon.com from your computer.
Enter your AVR’s Mac address as its ID # (the Mac address is on the Network Settings
screen in the System Settings menu) and create an account. Favourites that you select
on the Web site will be available on the AVR.
Navigation is similar to other slide-in menus. Scroll to the desired item and press the OK
button to select it. To return to the previous menu level (or to clear the top-level menu
from view), press the Back/Exit button or the Left button.
If you know the URL (Web address) of a specific audio stream, select the Direct Station
option from the menu. A live stream is required. The AVR is not able to connect to streams
that require site registration or other interaction prior to playing the stream. If the AVR
cannot connect to the stream, a “Station Not Live” message will appear briefly, and the
Internet Radio screen will remain essentially blank. Not all URLs will be accessible.
Listening to Media via Your Home Network
Your AVR is DLNA-compatible and can access MP3 and WMA audio media that is stored
on other DLNA-compatible devices that are connected to the same network as your AVR.
DLNA is a file sharing protocol that creates a bridge between the AVR and other devices
on the same network that contain audio media. DLNA is supported by PCs that have
Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center or Intel Media Server file sharing. Apple
computers can also share files via DLNA using HARMAN Music Manager software, which
can be downloaded without charge from www.harmankardon.com. (Third-party software
that enables DLNA file-sharing also is available.)
MP3 compatibility: Mono or stereo, contstant bit rates (CBR) from 8kbps to 320kbps,
variable bit rates (VBR) from lowest to highest quality, with sample rates from 8kHz –
WMA compatibility: Ver. 9.2, stereo CBR with 32kHz – 48kHz sampling rate and 40kbps
– 192kbps bit rate, mono CBR with 8kHz – 16kHz sampling rate and 5kbps – 16kbps bit
rate, VBR Pass Encoding and Quality Encoding 10 – 98, 44kHz and 48kHz sampling rate.
Before you can access files located on other devices via the network, each device
must first give permission to share files with the AVR: