Types of Home Theater System Connections
Radio Connections
Your AVR uses separate terminals for the included FM and AM antennas. The FM antenna
uses a 75-ohm F-connector.
The AM antenna connector uses spring-clip terminals. After assembling the antenna as
shown below, press the levers to open the connectors, insert the bare wires into the
openings, and release the levers to secure the wires. The antenna wires are not polarized,
so you can insert either wire into either connector.
SIRIUS Satellite Radio
To enjoy SIRIUS satellite radio, purchase a SIRIUSConnect tuner module and a subscription
to the SIRIUS service. Visit www.sirius.com for information on SIRIUSConnect tuner
modules. The SiriusConnect modules include an eight-pin DIN cable for connection to
the eight-pin jack on the AVR, allowing you to control the tuner module via the AVR.
Although you may also use a “plug-and-play” tuner module equipped with standard
audio connections, you will not be able to use the AVR to control the SIRIUS tuner.
Network Connector
The AVR’s Network connector allows you to enjoy Internet radio or content from other
DLNA-compatible devices that are connected to the same network. Use a Cat. 5 or
Cat. 5E cable to connect the AVR’s RJ-45 connector to your home network.
USB Port
The USB port on your AVR is used for firmware upgrades. If an upgrade for the AVR’s
operating system is released in the future, you will be able to download it to the AVR using
this port. Complete instructions will be provided at that time.
In addition to performing firmware upgrades, the AVR 3650/AVR 365 can play MP3 and
WMA audio files from a USB device inserted into the USB port. Insert the device into the
USB port with the device’s plug oriented so it fits all the way into the port. You may insert
or remove the device at any time – there is no installation or ejection procedure.
IMPORTANT: Do not connect a PC or other USB host/controller to the AVR’s USB
port, or you may damage both the AVR and the other device.
RS-232 Connector
Your AVR’s RS-232 serial port may be connected to an external control system to allow
it to transmit control commands to the AVR. The port is bidirectional so that the AVR
can transmit status updates to the control device. Connecting and using the RS-232
port requires considerable technical knowledge and is best left to a professional custom
0295CSK - HK (x65Series) AVR3650_365_2650_265 CORE OM, WORK18 danny.indd 16 01/07/11 11:33:41