Technical Specifications
Audio Section
Stereo Mode
Continuous Average Power (FTC)
AVR 255: 65Watts per channel, 20Hz - 20 kHz
AVR 355: 70Watts per channel, 20Hz - 20 kHz
< 0.07% THD,both channels driven into 8 ohms
7 Channel Surround Modes
Power Per Individual Channel, with all channels driven
Front L&R channels:
AVR 255: 50Watts per channel
VR 355: 65Watts per channel
@ < 0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
Center channel:
AVR 255: 50Watts
AVR 355: 65Watts
@ < 0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
Surround (L & R Side,Back) channels:
AVR 255: 50Watts per channel
AVR 355: 65Watts per channel
@ < 0.07% THD, 20Hz–20kHz into 8 ohms
Input Sensitivity/Impedance
Linear (High Level) 200mV/47kohms
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (IHF-A) 100dB
Surround System Adjacent Channel Separation
Analog Decoding 40dB
(Pro Logic, etc.)
Dolby Digital (AC-3) 55dB
DTS 55dB
Frequency Response
@ 1W (+0dB, –3dB) 10Hz–130kHz
High Instantaneous
Current Capability (HCC) ±35Amps
Transient Intermodulation
Distortion (TIM) Unmeasurable
Rise Time 16 µsec
Slew Rate 40V/µsec**
FM Tuner Section
Frequency Range 87.5–108MHz
Usable Sensitivity IHF 1.3 µV/13.2dBf
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Mono/Stereo: 70/68dB (DIN)
Distortion Mono/Stereo:0.2/0.3%
Stereo Separation 40dB @ 1kHz
Selectivity ±400kHz: 70dB
mage Rejection 80dB
IF Rejection 90dB
AM Tuner Section
Frequency Range 522–1620kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 45dB
Usable Sensitivity Loop: 500µV
istortion 1kHz, 50% Mod: 0.8%
Selectivity ±10kHz: 30dB
Video Section
Video Format PAL/NTSC
Input Level/Impedance 1Vp-p/75 ohms
Output Level/Impedance 1Vp-p/75 ohms
Video Frequency Response
(Composite and S-Video) 10Hz–8MHz (-3dB)
Video Frequency
Response (Component) 10Hz–100MHz (-3dB)
Power Requirement AC 220–240V/50Hz
Power Consumption AVR 255: Standby < 1W,
540W maximum
AVR 355: Standby < 3W,
890W maximum
(7 channels driven)
Dimensions (Max)
Width 440mm
Height 165mm
Depth 382mm
Weight net AVR 255: 14,0 kg
AVR 355: 14,4 kg
Depth measurement includes knobs,buttons andterminal connections.
Height measurement includes feetand chassis.
All features and specificationsare subjectto changewithout notice.
Harman Kardon,The Bridge and Logic 7are registered trademarks of
Harman International Industries,Incorporated.
is atrademarkof HarmanInternational Industries,Inc.
*Manufactured under license fromDolby Laboratories.
"DolbyTrueHD", "Dolby Digital Plus",“Dolby,”“ProLogic” andthe Double-D symbol are
trademarksof DolbyLaboratories.
"DTS-HD MasterAudio","DTS-HD","DTS","DTS ES","Neo:6"and"96/24"are
trademarksof DTS,Inc.
SA-CD is atrademark ofSony Electronics,Inc.
Blu-rayDisc isa trademark ofthe Blu-ray DiscAssociation.
Apple and iPod are registered trademarks ofApple Computer,Inc.
Cirrus is aregistered trademark ofCirrus Logic Corp.
**Without input anti slewingand outputisolation networks.
Ready are registered trademarks ofLeisureTech ElectronicsPty Ltd
Faroudja andDCDi byFaroudja are trademarks ofGenesis Microchip,Inc.
HD-DVD is atrademark ofthe DVDFormat/Logo LicensingCorporation (DVD FLLC).
HDMI,the HDMI logoand High-DefinitionMultimedia Interfaceare trademarks or registered
trademarksof HDMILicensing, LLC.
This productincorporates copyright protectiontechnology thatis protectedby method
claims of certain U.S.patentsand otherintellectual propertyrights ownedby Macrovision
Corporationand otherrights owners.Use ofthis copyrightprotection technology mustbe
authorized by Macrovision Corporation,and isintended forhome andother limitedviewing
uses onlyunless otherwise authorized byMacrovision Corporation.Reverse engineeringor
disassembly is prohibited.