Figure 42 – AVR Power On and Source Selectors
• Any time you press one of the Source Selectors on the
remote (i.e., Cable/Sat, DVD, Media Server, Radio, TV, Game
or AUX), the remote will switch modes to transmit the codes
programmed to operate that device. To control the receiver,
press the AVR Settings Button to return the remote to AVR
mode. Some AVR functions are available in all device modes,
and you don’t have to press the AVR Settings Button first to
use them: Volume Controls (including Mute), Audio Effects,
Video Modes, Surround Modes, AVR Settings, Info Settings,
Sleep Settings and AVR Power On and Off.
• If you are not using the AVR’s HDMI Output with your display,
you may not see a picture the first time you turn on the AVR 254,
or after a system reset. To correct this, press the front-panel
Resolution Button to display the current video output resolution.
Use the
Button to change it to 480i, which should be com-
patible with all video displays, then press the OK Button to
select the new setting. You will be prompted to accept or can-
cel the change; the CANCEL message will appear on the front
panel. Press the
Button to view the ACCEPT option, and
then press the OK Button to complete the change to the output
resolution. Follow the directions in the Initial Setup section to
configure the AVR to function correctly with your display and
other components.
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