Remote Control
Erasing Learned Codes
The DL’s remote allows you to remove or erase the
code learned into a single button for a single
device, to remove or erase all the codes that have
been learned for a single device, or to erase all
commands that have been learned to all devices.
To erase a single learned code from with-
in a single device’s settings, follow these
1. Press the Learn Button
and the Device
Selector Button (in the System On group
together until the device button light remains on.
2. Release the buttons.
3. Press and release the Device Selector
again for the device within which the individual
button to be erased has been programmed.
4. Press the 7 button
three times.
5. Press and release the individual button for
which the code is to be erased. The Device/
System On button blinks three times to confirm.
6. To erase other buttons within the same
device, press them as noted in Step 5.
7. When all buttons to be erased have been
pressed, press the Learn button
complete the process.
NOTE: When the learned code has been erased,
the button returns to the original code.
To erase all codes within a single device,
follow these steps:
1. Press the Learn button
and the Device
Selector Button (in the System On group
together until the device button light remains on.
2. Release the buttons
3. Press the same Device/System On Button again.
4. Press the 8 Button
three times.
The Device Button blinks three times and goes
out. You are done.
NOTE: When the learned codes for a device are
erased, all codes for that device return to the
original code.
To erase all codes within all devices, fol-
low these steps:
1. Press the Learn button
and any of the
Device Selector Buttons (in the System On group
) together, until the device button light
remains on.
2. Release the buttons
3. Press the same Device/System On Button
4. Press the 9 Button
three times.The
Device Button blinks three times and goes out.
You are done.
NOTE: When all learned codes for all devices
are erased, all devices return to their original
Resetting the complete remote:
You may also do this very simple operation to
initialize the Remote to be returned to all factory
1. Press the TV Button in the System On group
and the 0
Button simultaneously.The TV
Button will light up.
2. Press the 3 Button
three times.
3. All the device buttons blink three times. You
are done.
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