Maintenance - Cleaning Glass on View Door
The unit should be out and cool to clean the door glass. It may not always be possible to allow the unit to
cool off before cleaning. Therefore, if the unit is turned to the lowest setting about 1 hour before cleaning, it will
make it possible to clean the glass with the unit in operation.
Any glass cleaner with a high amonia content will work the best. Use only non-synthetic cleaning rags
such as cotton or paper towels.
CAUTION: Take care when spraying cleaner on the inside surface of the glass. The glass may be hot
enough to cause undesirable fumes to fill the area around the unit very rapidly. Gloves and eye
protection are recommended.
Disposal of ashes: Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of
ashes should be placed on a non-combustible floor or on the ground, well away from all combustible materials,
pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be
retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.
Soot and fly ash: Formation and need for removal. The products of combustion contain small particles of fly
ash. The fly ash will collect in the exhaust venting system and will restrict the flow of the flue gases. Pellet fuels
have different ash contents depending on what type of wood has been used to make the pellets. We
recommend to clean the system after approximately 1 ton of pellets have been burned and judge from
that how often the stove should be cleaned, remember if you change pellets it may change how often
you have to clean your stove.
Incomplete combustion such as occurs during start up, shutdown, or improper operation of the heater
will lead to some soot formation, which will collect in the exhaust venting system. The exhaust vent should be
inspected at least once every year to determine if cleaning is necessary.
Glass Gasket
Replace glass
only with high
tem p er atu re
ceramic glass.
Inspect door gasket during
cleaning and inspection
Fig. 57
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