View Scan Reflectance Profile
View the scan reflectance profile of a scan. The bar/space pattern is displayed
below the analog signal. A Zoom feature allows detailed visual inspection of the
symbol pattern and profile.
Scan Profile
iew, Scan Profile
Options include the display of specific areas in the symbol profile that determined
the Decodability, Defects, and Minimum Edge Contrast values. Global Threshold
may also be displayed. These details may be suppressed.
The Scan Reflectance Profile can also be printed from this screen.
Bar/Space Analysis
Graph display of average element widths sorted by intended size (wide and
narrow, or 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X) and normalized to the Z dimension.
Useful in determining specific variances in bar/space widths and for visually
observing the margin of error between element widths. Minimum and maximum
values for each element are displayed.
Element Graph
iew, Element Ratio
Calculate “X”
Scan the code.
Calculate the average X dimension of a symbol.
Calculate X
iew, Calculate X
Select either inches or centimeters, fill in the value for symbol size (outside of
first bar to outside of last bar), select “Calculate.”
Additional features of the Quick Check
PC software allow adding notes to
symbol file, and reflectometer readings.