3 - 11
Imager Time-Out
Imager Time-Out powers down the imager after the unit has been idle for the
specified time. To prevent the imager from powering down, set this time-out to
0. Scan the barcode below, then set the time-out by scanning digits (from 0 -
999,999 ms) from the inside back cover, then scanning
Default = 60,000
Note: The default applies to firmware with a base number of 31205480. Refer
to the Show Software Revision on page 11-2 for information on
determining the firmware revision in your unit.
Aimer Delay
The aimer delay allows a delay time for the operator to aim the imager before
the picture is taken. Use these codes to set the time between when the trigger
is pulled and when the picture is taken. During the delay time, the aiming light
will appear, but the LEDs won’t turn on until the delay time is over.
User-Specified Aimer Delay
If you want to set your own length for the duration of the delay, scan the barcode
below, then set the time-out by scanning digits (0 - 4,000 ms) from the
Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual, then scan Save.
400 milliseconds
* Off
(no delay)
200 milliseconds