A domestic refrigerator is comprised of an electric control system and a refrigerating
system. Since both systems work together, it is difficult to tell whether the refrigerating
system is in good working condition. If any part of the refrigerating system or electric control
does not work properly, the refrigerator’s efficiency will decline, operating properties will
destabilize, and in worst cases, it will not function at all.
Sending refrigerators to a service department can be difficult since they are generally large.
At times, normal phenomena are incorrectly diagnosed as troubles. Before we deal with the
recurrent problems of refrigerators, here is a brief outline of normal occurrences that should
not be considered as problems. If any of the occurrences listed below happens, you can
continue to use your refrigerator:
a) Rumbling Sounds
When the compressor of a refrigerator stops running, a rumbling sound will be heard from
the evaporator. This sound is caused by the flow of refrigerant in the evaporator tube. The
refrigerant flows shortly after the compressor has stopped running. This sound, therefore,
does not constitute a problem.
b) Clicking Noises
Refrigerators often make clicking noises. This is also normal. It is the result of the intake
or release of the armature of a current dead weight start relay when the compressor is
started. The compressor motor makes a clicking sound while it is running. This sound is
faint in the daytime but becomes louder at night.
c) Hot Refrigerator Parts
The compressor consists of an electric motor and a compressing apparatus. During its
normal operation, the temperature of the motor’s starter core and windings will range
between 212°F-230°F. The temperature of the piston and cylinder of the compressing
mechanism is normally 212°F due to the heat produced when compressing the
refrigerant. Most of the heat radiates through the compressor casing to the air, therefore
the temperature of the casing is generally between 185°F and 194°F. It becomes
extremely hot, particularly in summer when the ambient temperature is higher than usual.
All these are normal phenomena.
d) Crackling Sounds
For the direct cooling refrigerator, an irregular crackling sound is caused by expansion
and contraction of the compressor. This sound will not affect the normal operation of the