M101 er manual Us
第 23 页
Select To SIM: select all the contacts which local in phone copy to SIM;
Select To phone: select all the contacts which local in SIM copy to phone;
3.1.3 Move
After entering into the contacts, activate Options key and select the Move, the copy function
of the mobile phone contains: Move current, Multi-move, To SIM, To phone.
Select Move current to move current contact;
Select Multi-move to enter into multi-move screen, this function contains: From SIM and
From phone;
Select From SIM: select the contact which local in SIM move to phone;
Select From phone: select the contact which local in phone move to SIM;
Select To SIM: select all the contacts which local in phone move to SIM;
Select To phone: select all the contacts which local in SIM move to phone;
3.1.4 Delete
After entering into the contacts, activate Options key and select the delete, the copy function
of the mobile phone contains: Delete current, Multi-delete, SIM all, Phone all.
Select Delete current to delete current contact;
Select Multi-delete to multi-delete you selected contact;
Select SIM all: delete all the contacts which local in SIM;
Select Phone all: delete all the contacts which local in phone.
3.1.5 Find
After entering the contacts, select Find, and the search types for selecting will display as
Select Name: to input a special word to search the record with the special word within all
recorded names;
Select Number: to input a special phone number to search the record with the special phone
number within all recorded numbers;
You can select the corresponding search type according to the content required to find. For
example, you can select Number as search type and enter “1390” to search all phone numbers
containing “1390”. A list of result will be displayed. If no matching record, the screen will display
“No match”.
In the contacts list window, you can find contact by pressing corresponding key containing
the first letter of name. After scroll bar slides to contacts with the initial, you can press U and D to
find desired contact.
3.1.6 Display type
The phone provides two kinds of display type:
Select Name: name will be displayed as linkman;
Select Name and number: name and number will be displayed as linkman;