
Dishwasher Safe or Hand Wash
Dishwasher Safe
yes no
Comments Explanations
Aluminum x
Some restrictions apply.
Read manufacturer's
washing instructions before
Materials such as anodized
aluminum may fade or
become dark in hot water
temperature. Some
discoloration may appear.
Load aluminum items away
from other type of materials
items because they can
cause gray or black marks.
Cast Iron x
Not recommended - hand
wash only, dry immediately
after washing.
Iron will rust in water and
the seasoning will be lost
due to the hot water
Chinaware x
Some restrictions apply.
Read manufacturer's
washing instructions before
Note: Only if stated
"Dishwasher Safe"
(Some restrictions apply.)
You can wash "Chinaware"
items that are without
decoration. You can wash
"Chinaware" items with
decoration protected by
special type of "Glaze".
Any type of "Pattern" on top
of glaze with gold or silver
lining or design may fade in
hot water temperature. Load
these type of items away
from each other to avoid
scratches and damage.
Copper x
Read manufacturer's
washing instructions before
Load cooper items away
from stainless steel items.
Do not mix cooper and
silver items in the same
basket. They can easily
Crystal x
Not recommended - hand
wash only, dry immediately
after washing.
Certain type of "Lead
Crystal" may etch in high
hot water
temperature. Do not wash
"Antiques" and "Very
Delicate" items in the
dishwasher. Crystal Items
are recommended to be
washed in low temperature
setting. When loading,
make sure they are securely
in place to avoid falling
over and knocking against
other dishware items during
the wash process.
03P-0006/HDB24EA manual 11/7/03 5:42 PM Page 16