Model G5354 Airbrush-12-
Symptom Possible Cause Solution
Excessive over-
1. Spray pattern adjusted incor
rectly for your application.
2. Air press too high.
3. Airbrush is too far from sur-
4. Spraying too fast.
1. Adjust the spray regulator.
2. Reduce air pressure.
3. Keep airbrush at recom-
mended distance.
4. Slow down and maintain
consistent, even parallel
Spray pattern is
oblong or doesn't
fly straight.
1. Needle has a "hook" at the tip
or has been damaged.
1. Refurbish or replace the
Spray pattern wider
than normal, even
when adjusted.
1. Nozzle is worn or damaged. 1. Replace spray nozzle.
Material leaks from
1. Cap not secure.
2. Jar not tight on airbrush body.
3. Leaking from cap vent hole.
1. Tighten
2. Tighten.
3. Hold airbrush upright; do
not tilt.
Material leaks from
1. Fluid tip loose.
2. Dry or damaged seals.
3. Excessive air pressure.
1. Tighten.
2. Replace
3. Reduce air pressure.
Dry Spray.
1. Inlet air pressure too high.
2. Airbrush too far from surface.
3. Airbrush stroke too fast.
4. Incorrectly thinned paint.
1. Lower inlet air pressure.
2. Keep airbrush at recom-
mended distance.
3. Slow down; use a consis-
tent parallel stroke
4. Thin paint more.
Paint leaks from
1. Debris will not let the nozzle
2. O-ring worn.
1. Clean nozzle.
2. Replace O-ring.
Air flow problems. 1. Air hose or connections are
2. Valve stem assembly at fault.
1. Replace air hose or re-
establish air hose connec-
2. Replace the valve stem
Fluttering, spit
ting spray, and
general paint flow
1. Paint or material is thinned
2. Dried paint or debris on
needle, in nozzle, or on other
internal components.
3. Air flow problem.
1. Thin paint/material to
manufacterer's recommen
dations; test airbrush by
spraying water.
2. Disassemble and clean air-
brush with special attention
to needle and nozzle.
3. Refer to "Air Flow
Problems" in troubleshoot