Figure 17.9jhi]dhZhViiVX]ZYidYjhiedgi#
To connect a dust collection hose:
1. ;^i V ) Yjhi ]dhZ dkZg ZVX] Yjhi edgi! Vh
h]dlc^cFigure 17!VcYhZXjgZ^ceaVXZl^i]
2. Ij\ZVX]]dhZidbV`ZhjgZ^iYdZhcdiXdbZ
d[[# Note: A tight fit is necessary for proper
DO NOT operate the Model G0568/G0569
without an adequate dust collection system.
This bandsaw creates substantial amounts
of wood dust while operating. Failure to use
a dust collection system can result in short
and long-term respiratory illness.
Recommended CFM at each Dust Port: 400
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with
the rating of the dust collector. To determine the
CFM at the dust port, you must consider these
variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,
(2) hose type and length between the dust col-
lector and the machine, (3) number of branches
or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines
throughout the system. Explaining how to cal-
culate these variables is beyond the scope of
this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a
good dust collection "how-to" book.
Personal injury or death
can occur if the machine
starts while your hand
is touching the bandsaw
wheel during tracking
adjustments. Disconnect
power from the bandsaw
before performing blade
tracking adjustments.
I]Z WaVYZ igVX`^c\ ^h eg^bVg^an V[[ZXiZY Wn i]Z
i^ai d[ i]Z jeeZg l]ZZa! Vahd `cdlc Vh 8ZciZg
`cdlc Vh 8deaVcVg IgVX`^c\# ;dg 8deaVcVg
IgVX`^c\!hZZi]Z Wheel Alignment^chigjXi^dch
dcPage 59#
[VXidgn! hd 8ZciZg IgVX`^c\ ^h i]Z dcan VY_jhi"
bZcii]Vi cZZYh idWZ eZg[dgbZYl]Zc i]ZhVl
To center track the blade:
2. BV`ZhjgZi]ZjeeZgVcYadlZgWaVYZ\j^YZh
3. BdkZi]Zfj^X`iZch^dcaZkZgidi]Zi^\]iZcZY
i]Z WaVYZ iZch^dc hXVaZ [dg i]Z Veegdeg^ViZ
WaVYZi]^X`cZhhFigure 18#
Blade TrackingDust Collection