US0208-INS-LAB-RevD11 • Patriot Homecare Bed 3
The safety statements presented in this chapter refer to the basic safety information that the op-
erator of the Patriot Homecare Bed shall pay attention to and abide by. There are additional safety
statements in other chapters or sections, which may be the same as or similar to the following,
or specic to the operations. Please note the following special statements, used throughout this
manual, and their signicance:
WARNING: Indicates a potential hazard situation or unsafe practice that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious personal injury.
CAUTION: Indicates a potential hazard situation or unsafe practice that, if not avoided,
could result in moderate or minor personal injury.
s NOTICE: Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided, could result in
product or property damage.
Info: Provides application recommendations or other useful information to ensure that you get
the most from your product.
WARNING: Keep hands and feet clear of all moving parts.
WARNING: Do not allow small children on or near bed during operation.
WARNING: Do not allow this device to be operated by small children.
WARNING: When operating the hi/lo, knee, or back function of the bed, ALWAYS ensure that the
individual conned to the bed is positioned properly within the connes of the bed. DO NOT let any
extremities protrude over the side or between the bed rails when performing any functions.
WARNING: Ensure that body weight is evenly distributed over the surface of the bed. Do not lie, sit
or lean in such a way that your entire body weight is placed only on the raised head or foot sections
of the bed. This includes when assisting the user in repositioning or transferring in or out of bed.
WARNING: In order not to invalidate the warranty or create a hazardous condition resulting
in serious personal injury, GF Health Products, Inc. recommends the use of only Lumex
replacement parts.
WARNING: Before operating, ensure that the bed frame rivets are properly seated in the bed
end hooks; otherwise, personal injury or damage could result.
WARNING: Keep all moving parts free of obstructions (i.e. blankets/sheets, heating blan-
kets/pads, tubing, wiring, and other types of products).
WARNING: Ensure that Bed End Locking Hardware is installed in order to prevent personal
injury when moving the bed or using a bed-mount trapeze.
WARNING: WARNING/CAUTION labels applied to the bed outline hazards or unsafe prac-
tices that could result in personal injury and/or property damage; do not remove them.
WARNING: Ensure that the power cord DOES NOT get tangled around the bed, bed rails or legs
during normal operation of the bed.
WARNING: Do not leave the bed unattended when plugged in.
s NOTICE: The pendant hand control cord must be routed and secured properly to ensure that
the cord does NOT become entangled and eventually severed during use.
s NOTICE: When using nasal or masked type administering equipment, oxygen or air tubing
MUST be routed and secured properly to ensure that tubing does NOT become entangled
and eventually severed during normal operation of bed.