14 John Bunn O2 Premier Oxygen Concentrator
Side filters
Note: For earlier models only, you will need a small blade
screwdriver to open the side filter access door. For later
models, the filter grill simply pulls out. If this operation
is too difficult for you to perform, please contact your
equipment provider to perform this for you.
Clean the side lters weekly. There are two side lters, one
located on each side of the concentrator cabinet. Perform
the following steps on both side lters.
1. Turn off the power switch and unplug the concentra-
tor’s AC connector from the power outlet.
2. For earlier models, use a
small blade screwdriver
to open the air intake ac-
cess door; for later mod-
els, open the lter grill
(see Figure 2).
3. Remove the side lter
carefully with your n-
4. Inspect the lter; if any
part of it is cracked or broken, replace it instead of
cleaning it.
5. If cleaning, rinse lter well with clear water until all dirt
is removed.
6. To dry lter, squeeze it carefully between two absor-
bent towels . Wait for filter to dry before installing
it in concentrator. When dry, install lter carefully as
shown in Figure 2.
Damage: Do not operate the concentrator without the
filters installed, or while filters are wet. These actions
could permanently damage the concentrator.
Damage: Please note that the side filters may require
cleaning more often, especially if the concentrator is
operated where the following conditions exist: