12 760000-INS-LAB-RevA08
transport Cap
In case of power failure or trans-
port: Disconnect the quick connec-
tor and cap the mattress with the
transport cap to slow deation.
Cpr funCtIon
If CPR must be performed on the
patient while the mattress is in use,
to immediately deate the mat-
tress, either:
1. Pull the CPR valves from the
mattress in the location of the
arrow shown at right, or
2. Disconnect the quick connector
from the pump in the location of
the arrow shown at right.
Perform the following cleaning procedures before use.
Pump: Wipe the pump with a clean, damp cloth and mild
detergent, and keep it away from dust. Air dry.
Caution: Do not use corrosive or powdered cleansers
to clean the pump.
Caution: Do not immerse or soak the pump.
Caution: Do not clean with phenolic products.
Mattress: Wipe the mattress unit with a clean, damp cloth
and mild detergent. The mattress may also be cleaned us-
ing a 10% solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) diluted
in water. Air dry all parts thoroughly before use.
Caution: Do not clean with phenolic products.
Caution: After cleaning, air dry the mattress without
direct exposure to sunlight.
quick connector
transport cap