AltaDyne AutoFloat Instructions for Use/Transferring Patients
Check patient at least every 8 hours or once per shift, to assure proper system inflation.
If the patient sinks into the mattress for any reason, (such as elevation of the head section or other part of the bed)
the Control Unit will automatically increase the inflation level until the appropriate flotation height is again realized.
isconnecting the mattress sensor cord from the Control Unit while in automatic mode will cause an audible alarm to
ound and indicators adjacent to the ALARM SILENCE and AUTO icons to flash. This alarm can be indefinitely silenced
by pressing the ALARM SILENCE button. Reconnect the mattress sensor cord to the jack on the right side of the unit,
or press the Mode Select button to disengage the automatic mode.
Connecting the mattress sensor cord to the Control Unit while the system is not in automatic mode will engage the
automatic mode automatically and light the indicator adjacent to the AUTO button.
4. To prevent accidental changes in settings, press and hold the LOCKOUT button for approximately 3 seconds.
Automatic Mode - AP
1. If alternating low pressure therapy is also desired, press the Mode Select button until the indicators adjacent to
the Auto and A/P icons are illuminated.
2. In Auto – A/P mode, alternate cells within the mattress are inflated and deflated every 2
/2 minutes. At the end of
each 2
/2 minute cycle the system will evaluate the floatation level, (determined by the automatic sensors within
the mattr
ess) and make comfort level adjustments as necessary before resuming the A/P operation.
10.2 Use With A Static Mattress
1. Press the Mode Select button until the icons adjacent to the MANUAL and FLOAT icons are both illuminated
2. Adjust the inflation level for patient comfort using the SOFT (-) and FIRM (+) buttons. These buttons adjust the
inflation pressures in the mattress from a minimum of 7.5 mmHg (one LED lighted on the COMFORT CONTROL
INDICATOR ) to a maximum of 30 mmHg (all LED’s lighted).
3. Manually ensure the patient is sufficiently supported. In the mattress, place your hand between two air cells and
then under the patient’s pelvic region. For proper inflation, there should be clearance for 3-4 fingers (stacked
vertically) beneath the patient’s pelvic region.
4. To prevent accidental changes in settings, press and hold the LOCKOUT button for approximately 3 seconds.
Manual Mode – A/P
5. If alternating low pressure management is desir
ed, pr
ess the Mode Select button until the lights adjacent to the
MANUAL and A/P icons are illuminated. If A/P (alternating pressure) is selected in combination with Manual
mode, ever
y other cell within the mattr
ess will alternately increase and decrease pressure every 2
/2 minutes.
11.0 Transferring Patients In and Out of Bed
1. For patient transfer press the MAX INFLATE button. This will maximally inflate the mattress to provide a firm and
stable support sur
face (and suspend AP and automatic modes). Pr
essing the MAX INFLATE button again will
cancel this mode and r
n the mattr
ess to pr
eviously chosen settings.
2. While in the max inflate mode, the indicator adjacent to the MAX INFLATE button will flash to remind the
caregiver that the system is in this state. After approximately 30 minutes, the Control Unit will automatically
cancel the max inflate mode and return to the previously chosen settings.