48 309856U
Slip-Fit Polycarballoy Mix Module Kits
Slip-Fit Polycarballoy Mix Module Part Numbering Code
*** Some modules have multiple impingement ports (see below). Size is given as the equivalence of a single port.
Standard Round Pattern Guns
Standard Flat Pattern Guns
**For further information, see identification chart under Drill Bit Kits, page 51.
Part No.
First Two Digits Second Two Digits Last Two Digits
MR3535 MR=Mechanical purge standard, round pattern 35=Component A
impingement port
size (.035 in.).***
35=Component B
impingement port
size (.035 in.).***
MF3535 MF=Mechanical purge standard, flat pattern
XR3535 XR=Mechanical purge direct impingement, round pattern
XF3535 XF=Mechanical purge direct impingement, flat pattern
Slip-Fit Polycarballoy
Mix Module Kit
(includes drill bits)
No. of Impingement Ports Impingement
Port Drill Bit
Size, nominal**
MR3535 2 2 #73
MR4747 2 2 #67
MR5757 3 3 #67
MR6666 4 4 #67
MR8282 4 4 #60
MR9494 4 4 #56
Slip-Fit Polycarballoy
Mix Module Kit
(includes drill bits)
No. of Impingement Ports Impingement
Port Drill Bit
Size, nominal**
Drill Bit Size,
MF1818 1 1 #77 #67
MF2929 1 1 #69 N/A
MF3535 2 2 #73 N/A
MF4747 2 2 #67 N/A
MF5757 3 3 #67 N/A