Rotor Assembly Replacement
22 310645S
Rotor Assembly Replacement
Use Pump Assembly Replacement Kit 287255.
First read and follow instructions in the Before perform-
ing any service on sprayer section, page 9.
Then remove hopper, front and back covers, page 9.
Remove hose extension and RotoFlex HD Pump
assembly from frame, page 11.
1. To prevent rotor assembly
from moving, insert a long
screw driver or pry bar in
the pulley.
2. Remove large bolt and
washer in center of rotor
3. Pull rotor assembly off
1. Put new rotor assembly from kit on shaft.
2. Insert a wrench in the
pulley to prevent it from
3. Replace bolt. Torque to
40 ft. lb.
4. Replace RotoFlex HD
Pump and hose extension,
page 12.
5. Replace back and front
covers and hopper. See
Removing and Replacing
Hopper, Front and Back
Cover, page 9.