nüvifone M20 Quick Start Manual 21
Navigation Warnings:
When navigating, carefully compare
information displayed on the device
to all available navigation sources,
including information from street
signs, visual sightings, and maps.
For safety, always resolve any
discrepancies or questions before
continuing navigation and defer to
posted road signs.
The device is designed to provide
route suggestions. It is not designed
to replace the need for driver
attentiveness regarding road closures
or road conditions, trafc congestion,
weather conditions, or other factors
that may affect safety while driving.
Battery Warnings
If these guidelines are not followed,
the internal lithium-ion battery may
experience a shortened life span or may
present a risk of damage to the GPS
device, re, chemical burn, electrolyte
leak, and/or injury.
Do not leave the device exposed to a
heat source or in a high temperature
location, such as in the sun in an
unattended vehicle. To prevent damage,
remove the device from the vehicle or
store it out of direct sunlight, such as in
the glove box.
Do not puncture or incinerate.
When storing the device for an
extended time, store within the
following temperature range: 5°F to
140°F (from -15°C to 60°C).
Do not operate the device outside of
the following temperature range: 5°F to
113°F (from -15°C to 45°C).
Contact your local waste disposal
department to properly recycle/dispose
of the device/battery.