10 310564
Pressure Relief Procedure
The system pressure must be manually relieved to
prevent the system from starting or spraying acci-
dentally. To reduce the risk of an injury from acci-
dental spray from the gun, splashing fluid, or
moving parts, follow the Pressure Relief Proce-
dure whenever you:
D are instructed to relieve the pressure,
D stop spraying,
D check or service any of the system equipment,
D or install or clean the spray nozzle.
1. Fig. 4. Relieve the pressure of the entire system
following applicable system pressure relief proce-
dures. Ensure that system pressure is relieved
before proceeding with step 2.
2. Close the bleed-type master air valve (W, required
in your system).
3. Trigger the gun at the last gun station to relieve
fluid pressure. Maintain firm metal-to-metal contact
between the gun and a grounded waste pail.
Repeat for all gun stations.
4. Open the fluid drain valve (14) to relieve fluid
pressure which may be trapped in the pump,
plumbing, or hose.
If you suspect that pressure is not fully relieved after
following the steps above, wrap a fitting near the pump
outlet with a rag, and slowly and carefully loosen the
fitting to relieve pressure. Be careful to protect your
eyes from splashing.
To reduce the risk of serious injury whenever you
are instructed to relieve pressure, always follow the
Pressure Relief Procedure at left.
Flush the Circulation Package Before First
The circulation package is tested with lightweight oil,
which is left in to protect the circulation package parts.
If the fluid you are using may be contaminated by the
oil, flush it out with a compatible solvent. See Flush-
ing on page 13.