Run Mode Details
There are four Run Screens: Circulation Mode
Active, Spray Mode Active, Alarm Active, and
Deviation Active.
Circulation Mode Active
This is the run screen that appears after the power up
screen. A and B pressure are shown. The bar across
the bottom indicates the magnitude of the differential
pressure with respect to the alarm setpoint. In
Circulation Mode, all alarms are disabled except for
the Air Solenoid Detection High Pressure A, and High
Pressure B alarms
If the user needs to spray with one of the above errors
active, set the Lower Spray Pressure Limit equal
to the High Pressure Alarm Limit to enter Manual
Bypass Mode. Only use Manual Bypass Mode for
emergency operation. The control no longer monitors
the pressures and will not shut off the sprayer.
Indicates that you are in Circulation
Mode and the fluid pressure is below
the Lower Spray Pressure Limit.
All alarms are disabled except for Air
Solenoid Detection, High Pressure
A, and High Pressure B alarms. The
yellow light on the light tower will be
solid on.
This screen will also be used when in
Manual Bypass Mode.
All alarms and deviations
are ignored in Bypass Mode.
bad material. The yellow
light will be solid on.
Spray Mode Active
This is the run screen that appears during spray
mode. A and B pressure are shown. The bar across
the bottom indicates the magnitude of the differential
pressure with respect to the alarm setpoint.
When the pressure first gets above the lower spray
pressure limit, the user has 30 seconds to balance
the system differential pressure so it is less that the
differential pressure deviation and alarm limits. Then
the system will automatically go into Spray mode and
start monitoring all alarms and deviations.
System Status
Indicates that you are in spray
pressure greater than the lower spray
pressure limit, and the differential
pressure is less that the differential
pressure deviation setpoint.
The green light on the light tower will
be solid on.
Alarm Active
This is the run screen that appears during an active
alarm. A and B pressure are shown. The bar across
the bottom indicates the magnitude of the differential
pressure with respect to the alarm setpoint. Refer to
the following table for more information.
System Status
Indicates that there is an active
The red light on the light tower will be
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