Technical Specifications
334530A 57
395 45.1 lb. 20.5 kg
490 / 495 34 lb. 15 kg
395 63 lb. 29 kg
490 / 495 59.1 lb. 26.8 kg
595 70 lb. 31.8 kg
395 66 lb. 30 kg
490 / 495 66.1 lb. 30 kg
595 73 lb. 33 kg
Noise** (dBa) @ 70 psi (0.48 MPa, 4.8 bar)
Sound pressure
90 dBa
Sound power
100 dBa
Materials of Construction
Wetted materials on all models zinc- and nickel-plated carbon steel, nylon, stainless steel,
PTFE, Acetal, leather, UHMWPE, aluminum, tungsten
carbide, polyethylene, fluoroelastomer, urethane
* Startup pressures and displacement per cycle may vary based on suction condition,
discharge head, air pressure, and fluid type.
** Sound pressure measured 3 feet (1 meter) from equipment.
Sound power measured per ISO-3744.
US Metric