Startup (Electric Models)
334606C 25
Clear Tip Clogs
1. Release trigger, engage trigger lock.
Rotate Switch Tip. Disengage trigger
lock. Trigger gun to clear clog.
2. Engage trigger lock. Return Switch Tip to
original position. Disengage trigger lock
and continue spraying.
Hose Reel
(ProContractor Series only)
1. Make sure hose is routed through hose
2. Lift and turn pivot lock 90° to unlock hose
reel. Pull on hose to remove it from hose
3. Pull reel handle down and turn clockwise
to reel in hose.
4. NOTE: The hose reel can be locked into
two positions: Usage and Storage.
To avoid injury, keep your head clear of
hose reel while winding up hose.