Appendix A - LCM Icon Overview
60 334135B
Appendix A - LCM Icon Overview
Icon Label Description
Power On When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the PR70 will exit disable mode
and enter the last mode used (Shot or manual) and display the corresponding
mode on the home run screen.
Shot Mode Designa-
Used on main home screen to indicate the machine is in shot mode. On the
maintenance mode screen, it also indicates the user wants to either close or
open the machine dispense valve.
Operator Mode Des-
Used on main home screen to indicate the machine is in Manual mode.
Maintenance Mode
Used on main home screen to indicate the machine is in Maintenance mode.
Mode Select Desig-
When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the machine will enter a mode
select run screen.
Setup Screen Desig-
When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the machine will enter the start of
the setup screens for the machine.
Next Field Designa-
When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the user will navigate into a
screen or to the next field within a screen.
Accept User Entry When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the user accepts the value(s) or
options shown on the screen.
Abort User Entry When the corresponding soft key is pressed, the user aborts the value(s) or
options shown on the screen. Activating this option will essentially allow the
user to go back one step in the programming or screen navigation sequence.
Stuck Key Graphic used to indicate that the control has detected that one of the keys is
stuck in the ON position.
Bad Linear Sensor Graphic used to indicate that the control has detected that readings from the
linear position sensor are invalid.
Improper Machine
Graphic used to indicate that the control has no or invalid readings for the
extend, retract and metering tube positions.
Retract Position Graphic used to indicate the full retract position of the pump.
Extend Position Graphic used to indicate the full extend position of the pump.
Metering Tube
Entrance Position
Graphic used to indicate the position on the pump where the piston first enters
the pump metering tube.