22 333309E
Packages with AA Guns
1. See F
IG. 7. Close off pattern adjustment air by turn-
ing knob (AA) clockwise (in) all the way. This sets
gun for its widest pattern.
2. See F
IG. 8. Set atomizing air pressure at about 5 psi
(0.35 bar, 35 kPa) when triggered. Check spray pat-
tern, then slowly increase air pressure until tails are
completely atomized and pulled into spray pattern.
Do not exceed 100 psi (0.7 MPa, 7 bar) air pressure
to gun.
3. See F
IG. 7. For narrower pattern, turn pattern
adjustment valve knob (AA) counterclockwise (out).
If pattern is still not narrow enough, increase air
pressure to gun slightly or use different size tip.
Mix Material Flush Procedure
Standard procedure for all pumps except
polyester model 24W609
1. Trigger the gun to stop the pump at the bottom of its
2. Shut off air to gun air pressure regulator (D) and the
pump air pressure regulator (H). Close the bleed
type master air valve (E).
3. Relieve the pressure, see page 19.
IG. 7. Pattern Air Knob
IG. 8. Spray Pattern Problems
OUT (narrower
IN (wider
no air
too little air
amount of air
To avoid fire and explosion, always ground
equipment and waste container. To avoid static
sparking and injury from splashing, always flush at
lowest possible pressure.
Before flushing stop the pump at the bottom of its
stroke to keep fluid from drying on the exposed dis-
placement rod and damaging throat packings.