System E rrors
System Errors
System errors alert you of a problem and help
prevent off-ratio spraying. There are three types:
Advisory, Deviation, and Alarm.
An Advisory r
ecords an event in the system, and will
clear itself
after 60 seconds.
A Deviation records an error in the system but does
not shut down the equipment. The deviation must be
acknowledged by the user.
If an Alarm occurs, operation stops.
If any of th
e three types occur:
• Alarm buzzer sounds (unless in silent mode).
• Alarm popup screen shows the active alarm code
(see Error Codes, page 89).
• Status bar on the Advanced Display Module shows
• Alarm is saved in the date/time stamped log.
To Clear Error and Restart
NOTE: When a deviation or alarm occurs, be
sure to determine the error code before resetting
it. If you forget which code occurred, go to the
Errors Screen, page 65, to view the last 200 errors,
with date and time stamps.
If an alarm has occurred, correct the cause before
resuming operation.
To acknowl
edge a deviation or clear an alarm, press
on the Advanced Display Module. Users also
may acknowledge and clear errors via a network
device. INPUT REGISTER 08: Clear Active Alarm in
ProMix PD2K Network Inputs, page 36.
Gun Trigger Input Function
The Gun T
rigger Input signals the controller when
the gun i
s triggered. The gun icon on the Advanced
Module shows spray when the Gun Trigger
Input i
s activated.
If a pump fails, pure resin or catalyst could spray
indefinitely if the unit does not detect the condition
and intervene, which is why the Gun Trigger Input
is so important.
If the unit detects through the Gun Trigger Input
signal that the gun is triggered, yet one or both of the
pumps are not running, a Flow Not Detected Alarm
(F8D1) occurs after 10 seconds (default) and the
system goes into Standby.
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